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Ультразвуковое исследование

Ультразвуковое исследование в I триместре беременности позволяет точно установить срок беременности, многоплодие, состояние хориона, антенатальную смерть плода, сопутствующие гинекологические заболевания (миому матки, опухоли яичников и др.), угрозу прерывания беременности и некоторые пороки развития плода (анэнцефалию, ахондрогенез I типа, лимфангиому шеи, полную предсердно-желудочковую блокаду, сросшуюся двойню и др.).

Tree Yatoba (Kurbaril)

the Botanical name - Hymenaea courbaril.
German, Italian names - Courbaril, English - West Indian locust. A tree from family bean (Leguminosae). Grows in a tropical zone Central and the South America from Mexico to a river basin of Amazon. Population is limited.
Zabolon' serovato-white, rather wide. Mature wood has very beautiful and decorative tone from oranzhevo-brown to violet and darkly - brown. On a cut exits of a time (channels) in the form of small dark points and hyphens are appreciable. There is a special version yatoby - yatoba striped with characteristic drawing.

the Citron (the Lemon tree)

the Botanical name - Chloroxylon swietenia
Evergreen prickly tree in height of 1,5-4 m, with a pyramidal or sprawling crone from family rutovyh. Wildly grows in Sri Lanka and India, it is cultivated in many countries with a damp subtropical climate. It is assessed with high custom charges at export from countries of origin, therefore it is extremely expensive.
Colour of wood happens from yellow to creamy colour. That the citron has specks of beer wings, it is extremely decorative wood.

Tree Che (a chocolate tree)

the Botanical name - Manikara fasciculate (Warb.)
High - to 40 metres a tree with thickness of a trunk of 100-180 centimetres. Grows on islands Mindanaos and Luzon (Philippines). Population is limited.
Mature wood very dense and heavy, brown and dark brown
(Chocolate) colour, with more dark, almost black proveins. Wood fibres are often braided (svilevatost'). Feature of structure of wood che is alternation of dense and superdense layers.

Eben (Ebony)

the Botanical name - Diospyros crassiflora.
The German name - Ebenholz, the English name - Macassar ebony.
Trees or bushes from family ebenovyh (Ebenaseae). Grow in Jugo - East Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, etc.). Green ebenovoe a tree receive mainly from Tecoma leucoxylon families bignonievyh from Central America.

Tree Eskuero

the Botanical name - Junglans nigra.
The second name - the South American nut.
Powerful tree from family orehocvetnyh (Juglandeae). Grows in Central and
To the South America.
Mature wood fulvous, with more dark impregnations and nacreous outflow.
Wood eskuero is very decorative, for a long time and is widely applied to furnish of interiors and manufacturing of furniture, a parquet. Rather firm also it is easily enough processed.
Volume weight in an air-dry condition: about 840 kg/cubic metres

the Apple-tree Tree

the Botanical name - Malus sylvestris.
English names - Apple-tree, Crab
Sort listopadnyh trees and bushes from family rozocvetnyh (Rosiflorae). The apple-tree house reaches heights of 14 m (usually 3-6). A trunk (at old trees diameter to 90 sm). An apple-tree house - a durable plant (till 100 years), wild-growing kinds till 300 years. The apple-tree is extended across all Europe and in the Western Asia except for Northern Europe. Wood of wild-growing trees of higher quality, than wood of the cultural.

Tree Yarra (Evkalipt)

the Botanical name - Eucalyptus Herit, Evcalyptus marginata
German, English names - Eucalyptus, Italian - Eucalitto.
Tall trees from family mirtocvetnyh (Myrtaceae). Separate trees reach heights almost hundred metres. Grow in a wild kind mainly in Australia, especially near to coast. Are grown up in many countries of tropical and subtropical climatic zones.

the Ash-tree Tree

the Botanical name - Fraxinus excelsior.
German names - Esche, English - Ash, Italian - Frassino.
Tree from family maslinovyh (Oleaceae), the average sizes (to 35 metres of height).
Grows mainly in Europe though are available American and Japanese
Ash-tree versions.
Ash-tree wood light, slightly yellowish, with well expressed characteristic drawing of a structure on a cut. Zabolon' and mature wood practically do not differ.

the Yew ordinary

the Botanical name - Taxus baccata
The English name - Yew
Coniferous tree from family of the yew. Grows across all Average and Southern Europe, more often on dry limy soil. All components of a tree are poisonous, except fruits. Meets also on the Azores, in Algeria, in Forward Asia and on the Cupid. Within many centuries the yew was specially grown up in England - of it did onions. Because of it England now is the largest supplier of yew logs.
